
When you are deeply involved in your own product it can be hard to see things from an outsiders prospective. Your users can suffer due to issues with your product but have a difficult time getting their words around the subject and it often comes out in anger, if they reach out at all. That's where my usability and experience analysis comes in. I'll review your website or app from an outsiders and expert point of view and give you actionable feedback.

The process

My analysis consists of two parts and an optional third:

1. Review

I'll start by reviewing your product and document every issue I encounter making sure to thoroughly explain every issue in detail and how to reproduce it. Presenting it in a clear, easy to understand way.

2. Recommendations

Along with the presentation of issues there will be easily actionable items that you can quickly take care of. Additionally there can be larger issues that might require some refactoring and complete rethinking (which I can help you with if you choose)

3. Implementation (completely optional)

If you want, I'll take care of the quick items from my recommendations along with a proposal for a future redesign to tackle the larger issues.

Price and time

Each project is different from the other so it can be hard to give an exact figure. Prices tend to start around $2000 USD for a basic analysis and take 2 to 6 weeks.

Sign up for an analysis

Get in touch with me and I will reply with a proposal within a couple of days.