Like I mentioned in that study the usage of Sarpurinn follows our linear tv and radio broadcasts closely. Users want to catch-up on shows they missed while on air. However the main difference between this and the website is that live streams are also are obvious and easily accessible in the app, while on the website the each station got their own brand pages where the live streams reside.

Beautifully simple to use
When opening the app you are fronted with a list of all the channels RÚV has to offer split into two buttons for each. The left one directing you to the tv-schedule where you can find shows in the order they were broadcasted. And on the right side a button to go straight to the live streams for each channel. You will also find a special kids section at the bottom as well as the play queue and favorites.

Once on the tv-schedule page you can easily switch days at the top or scroll down to search for your show. Easy access and simplicity were at the forefront when designing the app. Let the user get to his content the quickest way possible and stay out of his way.

Krakkasarpurinn - A lockable section for kids

We also made a special kids section called "Krakkasarpurinn" which can be locked, in case you only use the app for your kid and don't want him to wander around the app and potentially see some content not meant for kids. The dark look was also switched out for a brighter more kid friendly look. We wanted to serve the kids especially since they are the power users of iPads these days. In Krakkasarpurinn the shows are categorized by each series instead of dates so that they can go straight to their favorite show and watch "ALL OF IT" for hours on end (Note: this actually has not been implemented yet but will be soon).
Play queue and Favorites
Any episode can be added to a special play queue in order to build a list of things to watch later or binge watch, without having to find each episode after the other.
For quick access you can also add shows to favorites and easily find them again, in case you only follow a certain shows that you repeatedly come back for.
Great demands met
There had been a great demand for us to make an app, after all RÚV is the largest broadcaster in Iceland, and so far the receptions have been very good. The major complaints we have received are regarding Chromecast support, which is planned for the next release. It was even nominated as the best app of Iceland in 2014