Designers and their portfolios


I’ve been checking out a lot of designers portfolios lately out of curiosity to see what others are doing and how they present themselves. I decided to write small reviews on some of them and share with you.

Laura Kalbag

I like that she includes a bit about her in the footer rather than links. This is something I started doing on specific pages myself. She plays with color in an interesting way as well.

Brad Frost

Brad includes a big section on the bottom of every page listing all the services he provides. His hero text “I make great web experiences and help others do the same." is interesting and caught my attention.

Kerem Suer

Uses Dribbbles platform to host his portfolio. Which basically just showcases selected work from Dribbble. Which means it’s mostly images.

Rogie King

This portfolio is lively and clearly communicates his strong illustration talents. It is a one pager so it doesn't go very deep into each project it showcases which is a bit disappointing.

Nick Slater

All the work is presented as an image collage. When you click on a image opens a slideshow with that image. The images that follow are the other projects. No text describing the projects what so ever.

Ryan Putnam

Describes himself as a designer, illustrator, and potter which is a cool combination. It's interesting to me that his contact form is hidden on his about page. There is an image collage with his design work but only clicking on some of images actually takes you anywhere.

Stas Kulesh

Strange first page of a map with.. his home marked? Or something like that at least. Which he says, in his intro, is in the heart of middle-earth. Oh after clicking on “Works” and then clicking on “About” it turns out this is an agency that Stas founded. Oh well. I’ll leave this in here anyway as an example of vague intros that don’t really explain what the website is about.

Aleksandra Marjanovic

Her loading animation gives me the feeling that she is an architect. But it seems like she does anything creative on or off screen. Her website is rather fitting for that although there is a bit too much going on for my taste.

Sarah Dayan

Straight forward and clear about what she does. She has a blog and a vlog. I like that when viewing a lettering project she walks you through every step from the first sketch to the end result.

Simone Tufvesson

You are greeted by a rapid hand animation covering and uncovering text saying she’s up for freelance. I wasn’t sure if this was a loading animation while the page was loading or not so I waited a while to see if it would change. It didn’t so you just have to scroll a bit. Her projects are well presented with videos, images, color palettes and text.


A lot of the designers I wanted to review used Dribbble, Behance or similar as their portfolio so I had to skip quite a lot. Others only list the studios they work at as their website.

Overall it was interesting to see all the different creative directions they chose to take. I like it when they use their portfolio to experiment and surprise. I’m planning to keep on reviewing more portfolios since this is a really fun way to get inspired and learn something new.